Young lives are under unprecedented attack in the nation of Jamaica. Countless reports of rape and murder involving children and teenage victims expose a debased culture and eroded moral compass.
At the same time, global trends are leaning towards distorting and undermining heterosexual marriages and the resultant family structure, leaving children as the primary casualty.
LMM has done town cries, pamphlets on how to spot and stop abuse, children home visits, candle light vigils, all night prayer meetings, merchandise to bring awareness and show support, and of course, a love march.
The launch of the Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign and docu-film “Traffick Blocking”, took place at the Palace Cineplex, Sovereign Centre, Liguanea on Saturday September 23, 2017 to a full house, including Youth Leaders, Media influencers, Politicians, Sponsors and other important stakeholders. The documentary featured a Research Immersive piece/Social Experiment aimed at exposing just how easily a person can be trafficked, and how vulnerable uninformed members of the youth population are and also interviews with notable experts including Children’s Advocate, Diane Gordon Harrison.
The Love March Movement is seeking to partner with schools, churches, youth clubs and other community associations to show the documentary and engage in dialogue on the issue. The documentary will be available as a DVD for inclusion in personal development/guidance and counseling packages.
The #COLOURBLIND initiative represents a shift in the approach of Jamaican young people to voting and politics. LMM had a media press launch to encourage citizens to get enumerated, and to vote.
The team then donned #COLOURBLIND shirts and collectively ambushed social media with inked fingers. No longer will we think our votes do not matter, no longer will we be apathetic or regard the leadership of our nation with cool disinterest.
We refuse to migrate from our beloved country, and from the political process. This is where we were born, this is where we will live, raise families, do business; and this is where we will vote CONTENT OVER COLOUR with a desire to see partisan politics disappear in Jamaica. Votes should be based on values like integrity, family and policy.
Launching on Valentine’s Day LMM took to the campuses of the University of the West Indies, Mona (UWI) and the University of Technology Jamaica (UTECH) to share pamphlets of the neuroscience behind sex with young adult students.
The organization then took to the streets of Kingston with a sidewalk game and demonstration, further emphasizing the need to stand for sexual purity and the family! The team creatively explained a medical study which espouses the evidence of brain activity during sex to the notion that #CondomsDontProtectHearts.
The Government of Jamaica put forward a Bill to implement a National ID System (NIDS). On closer scrutiny the Bill was not thought out, intrusive, discriminatory and highly suspicious.
LMM believes in a democracy where public views can contend. In less than ten days, over 38,000 people signed a petition calling for the Government to properly consult the people regarding the NIDS Bill.
The Government disregarded the positions of the people and approved the Bill, without properly going through the 168 amendments. LMM took to the streets for a series of protests making our voices heard. When bills get rushed, rights get crushed! #crushtherushs.
Triggered by a motion filed by MP Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn in June 2018, the Human Resource and Social Development Committee of the Houses of Parliament has been charged with examining existing legislation surrounding abortion.
The motion subsequently incited responses from all stakeholders on both sides of the debate, including the Love March Movement. The #Fight4Me #KeepLifeAlive campaign aims to protect the dignity and safety of pre-born Jamaicans and resist efforts to legalize abortion in Jamaica.
The campaign consisted of video testimonials, silent protests, an all-night prayer meeting, presentations in Parliament, supporting the local showing of American film Unplanned, a true story of abortionist Abbey Johnson who converted to Christianity, and of course, social media content.
Young Lives Matter in partnership with Pursued International hosted a one-week awareness initiative themed “Eyes Wide Open: Exposing Human Trafficking”. This initiative was held during Trafficking In Persons Week and on World Day Against Human Trafficking, July 21st-26thand 30th.
LMM hit the streets on Friday, November 12, 2021, with another social immersive, to raise awareness re the harmful impact of porn on the brain, relationships and the world.