Speaking Truth Isn’t Speaking Hate


I write this letter in response to Kashane Taylor, who wrote a completely ill-informed article titled ‘Christians need to be more consistent’ (Gleaner, July 3, 2014).

I plead with Kashane Taylor to QUOTE the person who stated Jesus loves everybody EXCEPT LGBTs and to PROVE that that person was actually of the Christian faith and subscribed to the Christian Gospel. It is ludicrous to imagine that a person who believes in the Gospel of St John 3:16, that God so loved the WORLD, would exclude anyone on the basis of a particular sin.

Furthermore, it is absolutely clear that Kashane Taylor and several other misguided Jamaicans, such as Lloyd D’Aguilar, were not in attendance at the rally nor watched the excerpts on the news where it was stated REPEATEDLY that violence is not condoned, and the myriad forms of immorality everyone ascribes to Jamaica were keenly addressed.


Taylor’s ignorance has also been highlighted in the article, as the writer is unaware of Joytown, WIRED, the Love March Movement and other Christian organizations that do practical things to help persons who are struggling with sexual sin.

Interestingly, the name of one of the aforementioned organizations is the Love March Movement, specifically developed to advocate for righteousness, sexual purity and the family. Two Love Marches have been held thus far that looked at pornography, fornication and child abuse, among other issues, and one is scheduled for September to look at the breakdown in the family, which contributes to crime and the other negatives the writer so valiantly emphasized. Taylor is welcome to attend.

Speaking truth is not speaking hate. Protesting for a cause is not ignoring other issues. I urge Taylor to organize a protest for the ills so personally affecting the writer and our island, and I promise the Church and others will rally for those issues.

If only naysayers would get the facts about the rally and the respective organizations before ‘judging’ the event (as they so frequently say the Church is guilty of doing – do not judge lest you be judged). The bottom line is that there are several things wrong with our beautiful land. We will not accept one more. Rally on!


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