Eleven Babies Saved!!
A group of determined individuals stood praying fervently under the scorching sun. Despite the
noise from traffic and the questions of curious passersby, their heartfelt pleas permeated the air
until cracks began to appear in the previously iron-clad ground. Women were seen coming and
going, some by car, some on foot. Unfortunately, those who went into the clinic for the
‘procedure’ did not leave the way they came. A shadow seemed to hang over them as they left,
reflecting the weight of their decision to end the life within their womb. Nevertheless, we
witnessed real-time answers to our prayers as the pleading of courageous intercessors broke
through stony hearts, causing some women to choose life for their unborn babies.
At the end of the 40 days, we saved seven babies, which increased to 11 through various
channels such as social media and personal referrals. Each rescued baby’s story is a miracle, a
clear account of divine intervention and the mother’s response to the sensitive spirit within her.
For instance, a woman named TM was sent to the clinic by her doctor to have an abortion.
Despite her decision to follow the doctor’s instruction, she felt that God was trying to dissuade
her through delay, the voiced opinion of the cab driver, a missed accident, and finally the loving
confrontation of one of our team members. That final confrontation convinced her that God
wanted her to keep her baby. Similarly, a mother from overseas was also advised to abort by her
doctor. Thankfully, she reached out to one of our team members who connected her to a
physician overseas. This physician was able to arrange for her care so that she could keep her
baby. To God be the glory!
From this context, Friends for Life emerged. We currently care for four moms and their other
children directly. We have also partnered with the Pregnancy Resource Center of Jamaica
(PRCJ) as it ministers to women with crisis pregnancies.
Who are we?
Friends for Life is a community of volunteer friends – under the Love March Movement (LMM)
umbrella, who provide practical, spiritual, and emotional support for expectant mothers who
have decided against abortion. Our vision is to help these mothers achieve financial
independence, spiritual freedom, and emotional wellness. The partners with which we work to
achieve these goals are Doctors for Life (DFL), Counselors for Life (CFL), churches and
corporate entities.

Laid Down Lovers…
John 15:13 – No Greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends!
Our team has undergone a significant expansion in a relatively short period, moving from three
to seven committed members who convene every Wednesday to pray and strategise on the
most effective ways to provide support for each woman’s unique needs. We are constantly in
search of new members to join us on this inspiring journey. If you desire to be more directly
involved, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Friends for Life is currently searching for compassionate volunteers who would like to serve as
friends to individual mothers. This role involves providing unwavering support to mothers during
their pregnancy and up to three months after delivery. As a friend, you would serve as a vital link
between the mother and our core team, ensuring that any practical needs are met. However, the
most important aspect of this role is providing emotional support and offering Godly counsel
and advice whenever requested. By being a friend, you will make a meaningful difference in the
lives of mothers who need a guiding hand during this transformative time.
Organic System

Friends for Life (FFL), is one of four pro-life network support groups that the Love March
Movement (LMM) has created. Given that our primary goal is to assist expectant mothers by
providing practical and spiritual-emotional care, we collaborate closely with Doctors for Life
(DFL) and Counselors for Life (CFL) to ensure that expectant mothers receive the best possible
“Wow, can you believe it’s only been a few months since we started? It’s been an incredible
journey so far, and we couldn’t be more excited about the growth we’ve experienced. We’re
expanding our reach every day, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds!”
Systemic Strides
At the moment, we are in the process of expanding the FFL system. We have already made
significant progress by developing a reliable intake form and process flow that we are currently
using. The intake form provides us with critical information for developing each woman’s
individual support plan (ISP). The development of the ISP is further informed by the use of an
interest-based inventory and skills-based test.
See What the Lord Has Done!!
Since our inception, we have accomplished a great deal in our efforts to assist our expectant
mothers and their families. We are proud to have helped three expectant mothers establish their
own businesses and become self-employed. T.M. is now a successful masseuse, S.B. runs her
own snack vending business, and D.S. and T. are thriving as hair stylists.
Click here to see one of our hairdressers in action
Check out the client feedback for our “one-day spa” business launch event! Click below to see
what people are saying.
Click here
Additionally, we have envisioned and partially activated the PRCJ/ FFL online baby bumps
stores, which will provide a convenient and affordable shopping experience for expectant
Check out Baby Bumps : click here

Our efforts to support expectant mothers extend
beyond entrepreneurship. We have helped one
expectant mother and her son move to safety, paid
the tuition fees for two children, and assisted another