What’s God been up to?

expectant mother in relocating from her present location. We have also provided medications to
expectant mothers and directed them to our Doctors for Life and Counsellors for Life as needed.
Our team has co-hosted a baby shower for one expectant mother so far in conjunction with a
local church, making her feel special and supported during this important time in her life. The
other moms will have their showers between June and July.
We distribute groceries almost weekly, thanks to the generous donations of many, ensuring that
expectant mothers and their families have access to nutritious food.
We are pleased to have launched our GoFundMe page, you can check us out and donate at
https://gofund.me/e179c689 This will enable us to further support expectant mothers and their
families into independence.
The mothers share a community online where they can connect, encourage each other, and be
supported by the FFL team. We have spent countless hours encouraging the mothers and have
been working closely with the PRCJ to streamline their operations for improved productivity.

On the Horizon … God is moving

Undoubtedly, the pro-life movement holds a significant place in God’s heart, and as a result, He is
continually inspiring new approaches and methods to expand and sustain this work. Hence, in
the coming days, we have planned to pursue the following initiatives. We anticipate that you will
share our vision and join us with enthusiasm.

InitiativeTimelineOpportunity to Partner
Healing JourneyMay 18, 2024Help us raise $90,000
The Hazandre Project –
annual concert & desert
benefit series
The Hazandre Project –
annual concert & dessert
benefit series
●Join the planning committee
● Give Financially
● Help us secure donors
● Be sure to attend
Edu-nation Teaching SeriesJune/July to December● Assist in conducting research
● Assist in writing lessons
● Participate in facilitating/presenting at forums
● Get media sponsorship
Moms The Word- T&Dongoing● Deliver content/ facilitate training or coaching sessions

How You Can Help

We invite you to partner with us in helping these expectant mothers and their children live a
holistic and successful life by doing the following:
★ Continuously pray for FFL as we grow
★ Become a monthly partner
★ Encourage your church to become a HUB for life
★ Support the Baby Bump Store by donating very gently used or brand-new items
★ Join the FFL as a friend – connected to an expectant mom
★ Respond proactively to the practical needs of expectant mothers
Overall, we are dedicated to supporting expectant mothers and their families. We will continue to
work tirelessly to provide them with the resources and support they need to thrive during this
special time in their lives.
© lovemarchmovement-friendsforlife

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