September 15, 2022, is 10 years since our first Love March! This time ten years ago we had just completed a week of fasting and an all-night prayer meeting crying out for the soul of the nation, that the Lord would protect us from looming evil powers.
There was a sense among the elites, that Jamaica’s Christian youth were given over to liberal ideas concerning family and sexual morality. We blew that clean out of the water!
The excitement and risk were palpable. The day before the event the Star’s front page read “Sexual Purity March Attacked”. And many thought we would be physically hurt in some way, and that fueled the urgency of prayer even more. Over 200 youth showed up to march from Hope Gardens to Mandella Park, Halfway Tree. We labored in prayer before the Lord, claiming Jamaica for Jesus! We also issued especially pointed prayers as we passed the US and British embassies, as much pressure was externally sourced.
This day is etched in our hearts and etched in history as the day Jamaica’s Christian young people burst onto the national stage standing for sexual purity, the family, and the retention of godly laws. We would go on to form the Movement in January the following year.
To God be the Glory! We are still marching on!