Sail back from whence you came

Cha-ching ching! Just like that a billion dollars has flowed from the superbly caring hands of the Canadian Government into the eager hands of our politicians and government officials. This amazingly generous offer will go towards meeting our greatest need which is fighting against gang violence and strengthening parenting in Jamaica…. Oh wait.. no it won’t… it is going into two projects, SAIL, that is, Strengthening Access Inclusion and Leadership” for “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” and We-Talk, to deal with gender-based violence. Each will run for five years, engaging boys and girls, educators, health professionals, parents, and the community according to the Gleaner article titled “Canada rolls out billion-dollar gender equality initiatives in Jamaica”.

You can know those countries that care about you and have no ulterior motive by the fact that they skip the issues that Jamaica really needs help with and want to teach our children about LGBT and abortion rights! Just great.

Does it shock our politicians to know that all that glitters isn’t gold? We ought to be concerned that our government has accepted billions of dollars from foreigners who wish to advance their ideas concerning sex, gender, and the value of human life, which are antithetical to the opinions of Jamaicans, and are at odds with our culture and values. Sexual rights are LGBT rights including same-sex marriage, homosexual adoption, gender transition surgeries, Drag Queen Story Hour in schools, and boys-in-girls bathrooms; all of which are commonplace in Canada. Reproductive rights are abortion rights and in Canada, they have the killing of the unborn through all months of fetal life and it’s taxpayer-funded! Between 2007 and 2020 the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported 1,326,408 legal abortions, nearly half of Jamaica’s population. And their population is collapsing for it.

This is a neo-colonialist effort to make us into their own corrupt image, that which the citizens of Jamaica clearly disagrees with this, as seen in the recent Don Anderson Polls on abortion and the buggery law.

*Now, “local advocacy organizations” were listed among those that will be used to sail sexual perversion and pro-abortion lies into the hearts of Jamaica’s youth. Who better to accomplish this Canadian feat than those who did it before in our children’s homes in 2014: Caribbean Vulnerable  Communities and FAMPLAN (The Jamaica Family Planning Association)? This is a matter of public record. And we know the song “If they did it before, they can do it again, same god right now (secularism), the same god back then”. CVC Coalition’s website shows that they are in search of a gender specialist and a field manager to run the SAIL project. What do you think the Canadians mean when they say they want a gender specialist? One thing is for sure, that person won’t have the right answer to the modern world’s simplest and most controversial question “What is a woman?”. But they will certainly be sharing their newly invented and transitioned ideas regarding gender with our children, trying to get into our schools and communities over the next five years.

They have the money to do it, they think they have the power. But will we the people let them? Are we docile and subservient people? Wrong island! If you see these SAIL people, tell them to pack up and SAIL back to Canada with their evil ideas. As long as we have breath in our bodies we must protect our children from those who have money but no regard for truth, our culture, or our values.

Dr. Daniel Thomas is a medical doctor and president of the Love March Movement, a profamily and pro-life youth NGO in Jamaica.

*The Observer published this article on November 14, 2022, but removed the following key segment: – “Now, “local advocacy organizations” were listed among those that will be used to sail sexual perversion and pro-abortion lies into the hearts of Jamaica’s youth. Who better to accomplish this Canadian feat than those who did it before in our children’s homes in 2014: Caribbean Vulnerable Communities and FAMPLAN (The Jamaica Family Planning Association)? This is a matter of public record. And we know the song “If they did it before, they can do it again, same god right now (secularism), the same god back then”.

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